I lost my handphone this morning.. So I've lost communication to outside world. Dah la kat office pon tak boleh internet. When I askak akak the table cleaner... she gave me a very lonnnggggg and loud advise even the ppl who sit around us pasang telinga to hear what is the kakak nasihat, nasihat to.
Lost my handphone.. big dealNo money to buy new one ... bigger dealHave to save the money to buy text books first...BIGGEST DEAL
OK friends... I am handphoneless now....I will try to search my duit logam kat celah celah bantal to buy new handphone, which take ermm..longer time heheheBut ... still recites lots and lots of Doa' hopefully that old and well used handphone is still my rezeki.Doa org teraniaya di makbul wehhh...
Posted by: Hasnah
Lost my handphone.. big dealNo money to buy new one ... bigger dealHave to save the money to buy text books first...BIGGEST DEAL
OK friends... I am handphoneless now....I will try to search my duit logam kat celah celah bantal to buy new handphone, which take ermm..longer time heheheBut ... still recites lots and lots of Doa' hopefully that old and well used handphone is still my rezeki.Doa org teraniaya di makbul wehhh...
Posted by: Hasnah
3 yang sengal:
aku rasa la kan, hemponmu itu suda tertekan akibat terlupa lock keypad, maksud aku - tak tahan lagi dikutuk dihina oleh rakan-rakanmu yang berhempon blutut, lalu ia pun melarikan diri...
ni no hp aku..hihih....
aku dah add link ko kat blog aku
huhu... akan aku jengahi ko di kala dilanda keboringan
sbb aku mmg suka layan celoteh ko
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